
Does dog walking in this Winter Weather have your hands and skin feeling chapped? 

The skin on my hands are so dry that the sides of my index fingers have split open and bled, the back of my hand looks as if a cat has scratched them all over and little scabs have formed.  Don’t even get me started on my feet. 

not my actual hands, but you get the point

not my actual hands, but you get the point


Inevitably this happens to me every Winter:  a combination working outside in harsh weather, OCD style hand washing (I pick up poop for a living), and a general dislike of putting sticky lotions on my hands and feet.  I’m at the point I’m embarrassed to show people my hands.

Here are some the creams and lotions I’ve tried….

O’Keeffes - Working Hands Cream

My Thoughts on O’Keefes and Glysomed:

-       O’Keefes and Glysomed are very similar

-       O’Keefes is cheaper so you might as well get that

-       Too greasy and sticky

-       Takes forever to absorb (which I don’t really think it actually does)

-       After you wash your hands, you wash away the effect of the cream

-       Your skin does not actually improve after continued application

-       It’s more like a thick barrier from the elements that you have to reapply every time after you wash your hands

-       No long term benefit 

Elizabeth Arden – 8 hour cream

Elizabeth Arden - 8 hour Cream - $29.99 on

Elizabeth Arden - 8 hour Cream - $29.99 on

My thoughts on the Elizabeth Arden - 8 hour cream:

-       Smells very medicinal

-       Very thick cream

-       You really have to rub it in

-       It is initially a bit sticky

-       Does eventually absorb

-       Over long term use your skin does  improve  


Dr. Jart  - Ceramidin Cream

My thoughts on Dr. Jart and Reversa:

-       The two best lotions on the list

-       Dr. Jart is the most expensive  (available at Sephora)

-       Reversa is a reasonable price and often goes on sale at Shopper’s drugmart (sometimes they come in a combo pack - 2 bottles for $39.99)

-       Not sticky

-       Not smelly

-       Absorbs into skin right away

-       Relieves irritation, redness, and dryness

-       You can see the benefit immediately after application

-       Actually improves skin condition over time

-       As long as you apply it at least once a day, even after multiple hand washings, your skin will continue to improve

Screen Shot 2019-02-25 at 6.38.27 PM.png


Reversa’s Skin Smoothing lotion is the best I’ve tried! Be warned though, if your skin is super dry and cracked like mine was, the first application may sting a bit as it contains 10% glycolic acid. For the price point, immediate effectiveness, and long term benefit - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT! My hands are no longer chapped and scabby - AMEN!

What lotions/creams have you tried??